Building Zada School In Erbil

After the call of Mr. Masrour Barzani, the prime minister of Kurdistan Region for the private sector and their support for building and renovating the school, the response of Mr. Hersh Khoshnaw by creating the Zada Primary School for the purpose of building the school of Zada, which is on the duty of Mr. Hersh. Khoshnaw will be made up of 10 classes and administrators of this school for the residents of Perash, Ozal and surrounding areas for this evening, Dr. Alan Hama Saeed, Minister of Education of the Kurdistan Region visited the named school to express gratitude and appreciation for supporting the education sector by the leaders. And those who care about this field with Mr. Hersh Khoshnaw Poll and departments. It is decided that at the beginning of this year's education will be handed over to the ministry of education.